Nicole Schmidt-Troje, a fully qualified lawyer and corporate governance expert, joins the Leoniq Directors Office team and expertise as of 01.01.2022. Nicole has been working in Luxembourg since 2005 and started her career in a renowned Luxembourg law firm where she was responsible for the setting up and management of all […]
Dirk Hellbrück will expand the expertise of Leoniq S.à r.l. – Directors Office from January 1st, 2021. Dirk has been working in the Luxembourg financial center since 1998 in a leading position in the fund business for various companies such as Union Investment Luxembourg S.A., Dresdner Bank Luxembourg S.A., State Street […]
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NEWSFLASH 02. September 2019 Michael Löb successfully completed the examination for “Qualifizierter Aufsichtsrat” (Qualified Member of the Supervisory Board) certified by “Deutsche Börse AG” After successful participation and certification in the three preparation and qualification modules “Der Qualifizierte Aufsichtsrat” (Qualified Member of the Supervisory Board) and “Beiräte mit Kontrollfunktion” (Advisory Boards […]